Plataforma per la Llengua
Plataforma per la Llengua
Currently gathering more than 20,000 members, Plataforma per la Llengua has been working to promote and defend the Catalan language and the linguistic rights of the Catalan-speaking communities since 1993. The association also works diligently to create a more cohesive and open Europe that is sensitive to cultural and linguistic diversity. The main objectives are the following:
A/ Promoting the use of the Catalan language and disseminate the Catalan culture among migrants and refugees that reside in the Catalan-speaking territories
B/ Working for a cohesive and inclusive society with citizens that assume multiculturalism as a value
C/ Promoting cultural rights, national and linguistic conscience and consumer rights
D/ Improving the presence of Catalan in the field of business, labelling, publicity and in the social field in general terms
E/ Increasing the diffusion of press, broadcasting and other cultural products in Catalan
F/ Raising awareness in society and increase information about the use of the Catalan language
G/ Developing community actions of insertion of migrants and refugees through the use of the Catalan language
H/ Promoting any other course of action which is necessary for the development of the objectives of the organisation.
Plataforma per la Llengua is a member of FUEN since 2018.